203-847-6528| Calasanz Martial Arts| Practical Self Defense

Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness located at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk CT is the place to come for Practical self-defense. Calasanz students do not just train to compete but to do real Martial Arts. Calasanz students have a unique style of teaching and some of the fastest head movements.

Don’t misunderstand us, our students are more than able to compete, but that is not our end game. Calasanz has studied and teaches the art of movement, When you learn how your body moves you are able to work it to your advantage instead of fighting it. This leads to many years of living in a pain free body.  Not everyone is built or moves alike, you need to find what works for you, and work with what you have. Only then can you reach your full potential. Let’s face it, not everyone wants to be a UFC fighter or enter the Kumite. The idea of Martial Arts is not to get hurt but to align mind, body, and spirit. Don’t take my word for it, come down for a free class now.

Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness wants to offer all new students 50% off for signing with us – Call 203-847-6528 Now and visit Calasanz Martial Arts and Westport Boxing and MMA at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk CT 06851


203-847-6528| Calasanz Martial Arts| Practical Self Defense

203-847-6528| Martial Arts| Training in Norwalk| Homeschooling

Hello, I want to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Jim Kavallines, and I am a student here at Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness. In case you do not know me I am 40+ and have not done any Martial Arts since my teens. I am an electrical contractor who moved back to Norwalk and wanted to do training in Norwalk, CT. I remember walking into the gym and speaking with Calasanz for the first time. We spoke about my goals, concerns, lack of coordination, and agility. I also had a desire to tone back my Dad Bod and lose the extra weight.  Calasanz designed a custom program for me and a custom plan that was quite reasonable and matched my wallet. After several months I signed one of my daughters up and she was training with me as well. I am telling you this because now with homeschooling, a lot of kids are not getting the exercise that they need. What an amazing experience to work out with one of your children, strengthen the relationship and connection, and both get in shape at the same time. The added extra bonus is the self-confidence in the real world that comes out in everything that you do. Also, you have a real-life skill that is very valuable especially in this unique period of time.

I wanted to let you know that you are reading this right now for a reason. If you have made it this far reading what I had to say then please continue till the end.

No, I am not going to offer you some free t-shirt or other handouts, I will offer you an introduction to one of the only  Martial Arts, MMA, gyms in the area who have been around since 1983 and is still training the community and in some cases we are on our fourth generation of students. Find out why so many thousands of people have walked through these doors, and continue to do so each and every day.

So take your homeschooling child out of the home and do something safe, fun, and memorable. Visit Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851. Telephone number 203-847-6528 and ask for Calasanz, Training in Norwalk at one of the oldest most charming Boxing gyms in the state of CT.

Make sure that you bring the family and have Calasanz design the perfect program for your family and you. You will also get a free class! This is not a gimmick this is how it has been since day one. Calasanz wants to make sure that this is a perfect fit for you.

Ask about Physical Arts, Core training, Streetfighter, Street survivor self-defense, Closing the gap, and many other Calasanz only teaching techniques.

So there you have it. My honest review, No Gimmicks, No hype, No Bull. You owe it to yourself. I look forward to seeing you at the gym. If you see a handsome guy with a daughter with Magenta hair, it will probably be us.



—Jim Kavallines 10-18-2020


203-847-6528| Martial Arts| Training in Norwalk| Homeschooling

1| 203-847-6528| Martial Arts| Back to the Dojo| Positive Environment| Exceptional Teacher

When looking for martial art and fitness centers there are some things that should be considered:

How long have they been in business? Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness and Westport boxing have been training consecutively since 1983, 37 + years.

Who is the Trainer? The Trainer is Martinez Calasanz who has been training Mixed Martial Arts to students young and old. Calasanz is committed to his students finding their full potential.

What makes this Trainer an exceptional teacher? He can teach you the “Science of Movement” regardless of your coordination level. Law enforcement, Military personnel, Young children, Older adults, Senior citizens, and thousands of students over the span of the past thirty-seven plus years have been fortunate enough to train with CALASANZ. Calasanz has trained actresses, actors, models, athletes, sports figures both professional and semi-professional.

What is the environment like? The training facility is a very positive environment, it is a community of individuals, who believe in complimenting and reinforcing progress. Calasanz is a patient and supportive trainer. He is committed to going above and beyond for you and your family.

Who has trained there? Patty Davis, Ivan Lendl, Stew Leonard jr., T.R. Goodman, Cathy Cash Sellman, Max Pacioretty, Frank Dux, Wessley Cullen, Amy Gery, and many others.

What are your goals? Competitive fighter, Boxer, Street Survival, Learning Self Control, Body Sculpting, Body shaping, Flexibility, Discipline, weight loss?

Regardless if you are a first time student or believe that it is time to come back to the Dojo. Give Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness a try. We are convinced that you will be part of our community for years to come. See what a positive environment can do for your fitness goals. Once you visit Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness you will see why Calasanz Martinez is such an exceptional trainer, teacher, and true Master by every sense of the word…

Free Consultation to create your custom program based on needs and your schedule

One visit and you will be convinced. Call 203-847-6528 or visit us at 507 Westport ave Norwalk, CT (16 minutes from New Canaan, CT) today.

Calasanz Martial Arts COUPON CODE 507JK927


1| 203-847-6528| Martial Arts| Back to the Dojo| Positive Environment| Exceptional Teacher


How long does it take to get a Black Belt| Want to be a MMA fighter| Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness| One month black belt

How long does it take to get a black belt – Do you want to be an MMA fighter – In the 80’s Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness were known for one of the most intense programs ever created – The One Month Black Belt, If you were committed, determined, made the time Calasanz and you had a strong enough desire you could achieve a black belt in one month. Read on…

According to a recent Google Search – An adult student who trains Karate and who attends class at minimum two times per week on a regular basis can expect to earn a black belt in about five years. Some very dedicated karate students who train more intensely have been known to earn a black belt in as little as two or three years.

“If you train three times a week, you can learn the basics in about 6 months; a black belt typically takes 8 years.” During that time you will sculpt a lean, strong physique and possibly sharpen your mind: Training in martial arts can help you develop the area of your brain responsible for concentration and memory, …

The one-month black belt program is back – For a limited time, Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness is taking seven more students for this unique intense program – The Internet is massive – If you are reading this now it is no accident – Did the Universe just open up this space for you – Are you going to take this opportunity or are you going to look back and add this to your list of great ideas that you didn’t do – STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW – PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL CALASANZ AT 203-847-6528


My plan was not to learn one style of martial arts and stick with it for the rest of my life. I also had no aspirations of creating my own system or even having my own school. What I wanted to do is make myself a well-rounded martial artist. All I wanted to be was a good fighter, nothing more, nothing less. Today I teach the CALASANZ SYSTEM, an eclectic style I created and a reflection of my personal path as a martial artist.

My informal training to the fighting arts began on the farms and streets of the Dominican Republic where disputes between men were often settled with fists. My first exposure to formal martial arts training however was in Goju Karate and where I initially earned my black belt credentials.

My instructor was Master Tameyoshi Sakamoto, who introduced Goju Ryu to the Dominican Republic in 1958. What was interesting about Tameyoshi Sakamoto was that he was trained in Judo and introduced his students to the concept of combining ground fighting along with karate. It was there where I met two exceptional martial artists and friends, Rafael Martinez and Lizardo Diaz.

While I had great respect for Goju Ryu, its history, and my instructors, I quickly noticed the limitations of the style in terms of practical street fighting and self-defense. I also watched my classmates take punishing blows to the body and thought to myself, there had to be a better way.

The practicality of what we today call “mixed martial arts” training was so clear to me that I decided to learn one style very well and then pursue others to at least a brown belt level to round out my martial arts training.

When I arrived at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut in 1980, I met a young Japanese man who was a fourth-degree black belt in Judo. Because we were both students, money was scarce so we decided to trade. I taught him Karate and he taught me Judo, enhancing the basic Judo training I had started back in the Dominican Republic.

Once I completed my brown belt training in Judo, it was now time to focus my attention on learning more about pressure points and joint manipulation, so I took up Hapkido. I was fortunate to have found Yong-Man Lee, an eighth-degree black belt in Darien, Connecticut. Grandmaster Lee is an outstanding instructor and I learned much from him. But I kept my promise to myself and moved on after brown belt.

My next step was to learn how to use my hands effectively. Realizing that traditional “hard” style martial arts rely way too much on kicking, I wanted to learn how to punch from the very best, so what better way than to study some Western boxing at Gleason’s Gym? So I did and as a martial artist, it was one of the best decisions I made. Mastering a few boxing principles taught me how to use my hands as weapons and not just to distract an opponent while I prepare to throw a few kicks.

Once I was satisfied with the boxing, I felt it was time to pursue some of the “softer” and more Kung fu based martial arts. I chose Wing Chun because of its close-quarter fighting, centerline, and economy of motion philosophy. To do this, I took a train into New York City to study with one of the best teachers in the area, Moyat. I also spent a considerable amount of time and effort learning Chang Chuan kung fu and Wu style Tai chi. Kung fu and Tai chi balanced my “hardstyle” training and taught me how to approach fighting from a new perspective.

From the time I arrived in the United States, I worked as a waiter to support my martial arts education and myself. I taught a few guys how to fight and it wasn’t until one of them convinced me to open a school that the thought even entered my mind.

In closing, my system is what it is, a reflection of my martial arts path. It has gotten people into shape, taught them how to defend themselves and get a grip on life. It has prepared people for tournaments, trained police officers, soldiers, and security personnel, and even given some peace of mind. And all I wanted was to be a good fighter.

How long does it take to get a Black Belt| Want to be a MMA fighter| Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness| One month black belt

Calasanz| Young Athletes| 203-847-6528| MMA| Basketball| Soccer

Do you have a young athlete at home, perhaps his/her sport is Basketball or Soccer – Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness understands the challenges this year that we are ALL facing and is here to help – The possibility of homeschooling is very real – The possibility of home training without a coach is not – Calasanz MMA is able to keep your young athlete fit – flexible – and confident

Make sure they are at the top of their game – This year may be challenging for them to play and practice with others – We believe that we have the solution for you – Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness located at 507 Westport Ave Norwalk CT 203-847-6528 Give us a call NOW and find out why thousands of young athletes have gotten their start here and gone on to play in the pros and semi-pros.

Calasanz has created his brand by helping young and old students to surpass what they thought their best could be – We do not give out participation trophies – We give certificates that are meaningful and earned based on ability, desire, and motivation – The best part is that you will have the confidence and a winning spirit to handle anything that life throws at you.

Call today and schedule your free introduction and consultation and find out why this is the only event in Norwalk to take your kids to for fun self-esteem and confidence-boosting

Mention code JK507-822 and receive a free evaluation class where you will discuss your goals and create a program custom-tailored for you



Calasanz| Young Athletes| 203-847-6528| MMA| Basketball| Soccer

No Contract| Anti Bullying| Overcome Fear

Looking for a No Contract gym to work out These are uncertain times and the world appears to be changing very rapidly Want to avoid bullying and gain that anti-bullying attitude and overcome fear Gain the confidence of knowing that you can defend yourself without needing to But if needed you can end the situation quickly

Calasnaz Martial Arts and Fitness has been training and serving the community since 1982

Come see what a real MMA Mixed Martial Arts Training facility looks like Calasanz has been training Marines Military Personel Navy Seals Law enforcement Officers Models Actors Actresses and many other celebrities

So if a No Contract No Obligation training facility is what you are looking for, look no further than Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness located at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT  Which is also the home of Westport Boxing

Leave the fear of Bullying and learn our Anti-bullying system which has been taught for years Overcome fear of people places and things and transform your mind body and spirit. The only limitation is YOU!

Our students drive from all parts of CT New Jersey New York and all of the boroughs We have students that have ordinary jobs and ordinary lives except they have a less than ordinary attitude Many have gone on to be professional athletes actors actresses models and extraordinary members of the community

Sound good? Call Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness NOW at 203-847-6528 and visit our Norwalk location at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT

PLEASE Mention CODE 507-JK815 for an additional bonus class.


No Contract| Anti Bullying| Overcome Fear

Location| Gyms and Fitness| MMA| Calasanz Martial Arts

Our Norwalk location is now open Calasanz Martial Arts gyms and fitness training programs are all operating MMA and UFC equipment and boxing ring are all open.

Have you been to the original Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness gym – also known as Westport Boxing and MMA

We are located at 507 Westport Ave Norwalk, CT Looking to get into the best shape of your life call us at 203-847-6528 and ask for Calasanz to schedule your introductory class and discuss your fitness goals.

Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness Westport Boxing and MMA  is the gym and fitness location that you have been looking for.

Tone your Abs, regain and maintain flexibility, connect mind body and spirit, learn what the models and athletes know about getting into shape quickly and keeping it

Sound good? Call Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness today at 203-847-6528 and visit us at our Norwalk location 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT

PLEASE Mention CODE 507-JK84 for an additional bonus class.

Location| Gyms and Fitness| MMA| Calasanz Martial Arts

Morning Routine| This should be your 1st| Metro North Stop| Heading into the city

Are you looking to get a morning routine going again – If so Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness should be your 1st stop in the morning – Get your stress and anxiety out before you are  heading into the city in the morning

A lot of us stopped doing our morning routine, and created new routines. Changing unhealthy routines weather old or new should be your 1st item. Couple into that dropping new found addictions, and starting to really take care of yourself first thing in the morning will boost your workday into overdrive. So, before you jump on the Metro North, or start heading into the city by car come to Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness. We specialize in programs for people that do not have time to spend lingering in the gym all day. Old and young need body toning and flexibility, with our physical arts we will custom design what you need for your specific goals.

Sound good? Call Calasanz at Calasanz Martial Arts and fitness and Westport Boxing and MMA today 203-847-6528

We are located at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT 06851

Visit us today, mention that you saw this post and speak with Calasanz or Jim for your custom tailored program.- use code 507JK28 

Morning Routine| This should be your 1st| Metro North Stop| Heading into the city

1| Am I too old| Stay fit| Over 40| Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness

1 question that gets asked a lot, is Am I too Old to Stay fit if I am over 40. Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness is able to safely help you with your fitness and self defense goals no matter what your age is

Weather you are in you are under 20, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, or 80’s we have the program just for you. That’s because when you share your fitness goals, Master Calasanz custom designs the program that is right for you.

So, if you are over 40, over 50, or over 60 you will never ask Am I too old again. Contact Calasanz at Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness get fit and Stay fit today.

Many of us have been indoors for quite a while, and have lost some of our stamina, and energy. the best thing to do is to get out of the house, get to our gym, and learn how to stay in shape. remember that you are never too old, and we have the experience to make sure that you get fit and stay fit. Work out in a safe manner with a professional trainer that takes care of your individual needs, we’ll see too it, that you do not feel like you are over 40.

CALL NOW. Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness is offering all new students 50% off for signing with us – Call 203-847-6528 Now and visit Calasanz Martial Arts and Westport Boxing and MMA at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk CT 06851

Visit us today, mention that you saw this post and speak with Calasanz or Jim for your custom tailored program.- use code 507JK18 


1| Am I too old| Stay fit| Over 40| Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness

1| How can I defend myself| No skills necessary| Calasanz Martial Arts

Have you been asking the question

How can I defend myself. Well you obviously have, because your search engine brought you to the right place.

No skills necessary individualized training, customized just for you.

Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness has been serving the community for over 30 years.

There is no better feeling than knowing that you can take care of yourself physically, spiritually, mentally, and financially. Take the physical part beyond exercise. Have the confidence to know that you can take of yourself in any situation.Self defense classes are for everyone mixed martial Arts is just that. It’s Karate, Jiu Jitsu, boxing, Kung Fu all in one. Master Calasanz has his own Trademarked “STREET FIGHTER” Course, developed for the good guys. girls, and children.

Stop asking “How can I defend myself. and take our no skills necessary training today”

Gain confidence, work on your balance, develop discipline, improve and transform your physical condition and improve your awareness out in the streets of real life.

Get a positive influence about yourself, achieve more of your personal goals and gain that warrior spirit today.

CALL NOW. Calasanz Martial Arts and Fitness wants to offer all new students 50% off for signing with us – Call 203-847-6528 Now and visit Calasanz Martial Arts and Westport Boxing and MMA at 507 Westport Ave, Norwalk CT 06851

Visit us today, mention that you saw this post and speak with Calasanz for your custom tailored program.- use code 507JK13 

1| How can I defend myself| No skills necessary| Calasanz Martial Arts